'New low': Meghan Markle accused of 'reducing Kate Middleton to tears'

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Published at : July 25, 2022

Sky News host Rita Panahi says the latest claims against Meghan Markle "represent a new low” as she stands accused of “reducing Kate Middleton to tears” after being critical of Princess Charlotte’s wedding attire.

Ms Panahi said investigative journalist and author Tom Bower, in his book ‘Revenge’, writes Meghan Markle ‘compared Princess Charlotte unfavourably to her best friend Jessica Mulroney's daughter’ during a bridesmaid fitting in the lead up to her wedding.

“And, according to the author, Kate, who was already ‘irritated by complaints of Meghan bullying her staff’, broke down in tears,” Ms Panahi said.

She said the bullying complaints led to a formal investigation, however, Buckingham Palace has refused to make the findings public.

“It's one thing for Markle to allegedly bully her aides but quite another to be taking potshots at little Charlotte who would've been, well, no more than a toddler at the time.” 'New low': Meghan Markle accused of 'reducing Kate Middleton to tears'