Scientists Accuse Biden Admin Of Engaging In 'Backwards Thinking'

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Published at : April 09, 2022

A group of concerned scientists have signed onto a letter urging the Biden administration to abandon their plans to increase domestic fossil fuel extraction in response to the gas price crisis. The scientists accuse the administration of using "backwards thinking" to solve the crisis, and they are completely correct in that assessment. Farron Cousins explains what the administration should be doing right now.

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A group of scientists have drafted a letter to the Biden administration, calling them out on their insistence that the United States somehow, I guess drill its way out of the current gas price crisis that the nation is facing. Now, even though oil of course has kind of gone down. It's actually below owe a hundred dollars a barrel, which is huge news gas prices still astronomical, right? Why? Because the companies that own those barrels of oil are continuing to price go us, literally because they can, because most of us, the majority of the population has no other choice than to purchase their gasoline. So, so we are at their mercy and there's pretty much nothing we can do about it. And these scientists are actually hoping to address that. Now the five scientists who have signed onto the letter who say, they're gonna present it next month, but they want more scientists to sign onto it.

They include biologist, uh, Sandra Stein, grabber. Um, who's leading the effort, Peter columnas Robert Howard, Michael Mann, and Mark Jacobson in conjunction with food and water watch. So they want more scientists to sign onto this letter. And here is what they say in the letter. Let me read this energy secretary, Jennifer grand home recently said we are on war footing in calling for increased oil and gas product. This is backwards thinking instead of fossil fuels, we must apply that level of urgency to building a renewable energy economy, rather than working to increase oil and gas production. We urge you to use your executive authority to redirect these massive investments, mobilize the country and rally the global community around a program of energy security through a rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy already millions of Americans, and even more across the world are being impacted by extreme weather, drought, flooding, sea level rise and wildfire.

The I P C C report highlights millions being impacted by climate change, induced food in and water scarcity. So again, that's just a selection from the letter as it is right now. And they're 100% right as, as expected, right? This was a golden opportunity when we're experiencing these crises. Like we are with the gas price crisis, realizing how dependent we are are on these companies on these foreign entities who are no friends to the United States. And we are the ones you and me watching this. We're the ones getting screwed here. Why not go all in and say, screw it. This is our moment, right? We're at the off ramp. We don't have to stay in this track anymore. We can get off the interstate and go to renewable energy town. That's what should have happened. And that's what these scientists are basically saying. I, I made it sound a lot less, you know, scientific than they did.

They're much smarter than me, but at the end of the day, that's what this is. You were given a golden opportunity here, you know, make lemonade outta lemons. Basically take it, take that chance, take that opportunity, make it to where we don't have to worry about crap like this again, in the future, by pushing us into renewable energy. Now, of course he has Biden has used the defense production act to, uh, help go mine, the minerals so that we can make the batteries for more electric vehicles. And that is a good thing. That's a good start. And that would help drive the prices of these all electric vehicles down to our average people. Like you would me could maybe afford them in the future, but that's still not enough. I said in a video recently, actually over at ring of fire, that what they should be doing in addition to that is offering full, write off cost.

If you go and you purchase an electric vehicle, they should let you write off the entire cost on your taxes. That's step one, step two, put big investments in it. You know, federal money, maybe trim a little bit off of that military budget. That's the biggest we've ever seen in history. Now, uh, put it to the automakers and use that to drive down the cost. Scientists Accuse Biden Admin Of Engaging In 'Backwards Thinking'
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