‘Windbag’ Biden losing it mentally, having ‘rings run around him’

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Published at : November 17, 2021

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says what scares the hell out of him is that Joe Biden is not just losing it mentally but he's also a "windbag" who is having rings run around him - and not just by China.

This comes as President Biden will hold a virtual summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Xi is widely reported to plan to start tonight's summit with Biden with a test – an invitation to be Xi's guest at the Beijing games,” Mr Bolt said.

“If Biden says no, Xi has an excuse to take offence and blow up their summit.

“And if Biden says yes, he'll go to the games, he will destroy the move for that international diplomatic boycott, which is backed by the European union.

“If only Biden was a strong man. But he's weak – just when China is actually very, very strong.

“And this affects us very much.” ‘Windbag’ Biden losing it mentally, having ‘rings run around him’