Dana: The Practice of Giving | Thich Nhat Hanh (short teaching video)
Published at : November 30, 2021
In this short teaching video from the Plum Village App https://plumvillage.app/ Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us about Dāna, the practice of giving, which is one of the Six Pāramitās, the practices to help us cross to the Other Shore.
Excerpt from: The Path of Emancipation, 1998-06-12 ➛ https://vimeo.com/188987118
Find more similar short teachings on the FREE Plum Village app https://plumvillage.app/ Enjoy! 🙏
You can help us caption and translate this video: https://amara.org/en/videos/AgANFmnJg1AS
#ThichNhatHanh #PlumVillageApp #mindfulness #dana #giving #paramita
Excerpt from: The Path of Emancipation, 1998-06-12 ➛ https://vimeo.com/188987118
Find more similar short teachings on the FREE Plum Village app https://plumvillage.app/ Enjoy! 🙏
You can help us caption and translate this video: https://amara.org/en/videos/AgANFmnJg1AS
#ThichNhatHanh #PlumVillageApp #mindfulness #dana #giving #paramita

zenThayThich Nhat Hanh