Republicans Turn Against Each Other After Arizona Audit Failure

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Published at : October 01, 2021

Republicans have turned against one another in the aftermath of the failure of the Arizona ballot audit. Some are saying that it is time to move on, while others are firing back claiming that the "deep state" is silencing the real report. Cyber Ninjas was forced to send out a press release condemning Republicans for pushing a bogus version of the final report, but that did little to calm the anger on the Right. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

A lot has happened in the less than a week since the cyber ninjas final ballot audit report was released to the public. And of course, as we all know, the final audit report showed that Biden actually won Maricopa county by 360 more votes than they had originally given him credit for. There were 99 uncounted Biden votes, 261 over counted Trump votes. So right now there's two factions within the Republican party that have emerged. There's the people who say, okay, look, we lost the audit. We lost the state. Biden won it. Let's move on. We're doing untold damage to the party. Then there's the other faction and the other faction says, oh hell no, this report is fake. The real one is being suppressed by the deep state. We want more answers. This is crazy. You people out there saying this is correct, you're just a bunch of RINOs. I really would love to not have to talk about this Arizona ballot audit ever again.

But apparently we're still going to have to do it. So anyway, here's what's happening as the Arizona reporter has reported. You have people, including some people who actually worked on the audit, they worked on the audit, and they're claiming that the deep state has suppressed the real report. And the reason they're willing to say that and so many others are willing to say that is because there was a fake report that had been circulating for a couple days earlier this week. And it was so bad that cyber ninjas had to come out, issue a press release and say that this story's totally false. This is not the final report. And that fake report said that the state should de-certify Biden's win and cyber ninjas in their release said, yeah, we would never even say anything like that. Even if we found evidence that Trump actually won, that would be up to the state. But these conservatives latched onto this fake report and they believe it's real.

And I don't know if this fake report was created by somebody trying to make Republicans look stupid, or if it was created by somebody trying to make it look like the audit was actually totally legit and proved what they thought it would. I don't know. You know, was it a prank that apparently has gone too far? Or was it another means to hoodwink these very gullible Republicans? Either way it worked and the Republican party is once again at war with itself because they can't determine fact from fiction. And that's what happens when you buy in to these conspiracy theories. When you put all of your eggs in that one basket of, oh yeah, there's massive voter fraud. This is going to overturn it. When that's all your hope, when all you do is consume media that continues to tell you that for the six and a half months that this audit was being conducted, then that's what you believe. And that's all you know to believe. So when this comes out and proves everything you thought was wrong, it's hard for people to process.

So they latch onto whatever new conspiracy they can to make themselves feel better, to make themselves feel like they weren't tricked into believing something that isn't true. And ironically, in order to do that, they have to believe even more things that aren't true. It's an endless cycle and honestly, I don't think it's going to go away. Republicans Turn Against Each Other After Arizona Audit Failure
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