Housing still an issue for many in Terrebonne & Lafourche parishes

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Published at : October 08, 2021

COCODRIE, La. — The further you drive down Highway 56 in Terrebonne Parish the worse it seems to get.

This is the area Hurricane Ida’s eyewall violently straddled for hours as it made landfall.

Trucks and boats were tossed around like a child’s toys.

One fishing camp that was on 13-foot pilings now rests in a bayou after those supports snapped like twigs

Read full story: https://www.wwltv.com/article/weather/hurricane/housing-still-an-issue-for-many-in-terrebonne-lafourche/289-c1cfe2da-72df-4513-adc7-882fe2bbb1d1 Housing still an issue for many in Terrebonne & Lafourche parishes