Dave Chappelle Fires Back At Leftist Activists, ROASTING Them And Demanding His Own Terms

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Published at : October 27, 2021

Tim, Ian, Luke, and Lydia join journalist at RealClear Investigations and co-author of 'Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections' Mark Hemingway to break down Dave Chappelle's recent terms of engagement for the trans-activist community.

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Guest: Mark Hemingway
@Heminator (Twitter)
Co-Author, 'Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections'

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Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Luke @WeAreChange (YouTube) @LukeWeAreChange (Twitter)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds), @RealSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)

Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms! Dave Chappelle Fires Back At Leftist Activists, ROASTING Them And Demanding His Own Terms
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