Clutch Cargo: animated TV series March 1959 was the first widely known use of Syncro-Vox technology.
Published at : October 31, 2021
#ClutchCargo #Animated #Cartoonist
Clutch Cargo is an American animated television series created by cartoonist Clark Haas, produced by Cambria Productions, and syndicated beginning on March 9, 1959. The series was notable for its limited animation yet imaginative stories; as well as, for being the first widely known use of Syncro-Vox technology. It was a surprise hit at the time and could be seen on 65 stations nationwide in 1960. Clutch was an adventurer that was sent on dangerous world assignments.
#OffTheBeatenPath #AndThenSome #TowntoTown
Welcome to Off The Beaten Path and then some. Town to Town: RV alone, Travel alone, Trailer alone, Retired alone, for the glory of Camper alone. Subscribe! Click like or dislike a video, write a good or bad comment.
Clutch Cargo is an American animated television series created by cartoonist Clark Haas, produced by Cambria Productions, and syndicated beginning on March 9, 1959. The series was notable for its limited animation yet imaginative stories; as well as, for being the first widely known use of Syncro-Vox technology. It was a surprise hit at the time and could be seen on 65 stations nationwide in 1960. Clutch was an adventurer that was sent on dangerous world assignments.
#OffTheBeatenPath #AndThenSome #TowntoTown
Welcome to Off The Beaten Path and then some. Town to Town: RV alone, Travel alone, Trailer alone, Retired alone, for the glory of Camper alone. Subscribe! Click like or dislike a video, write a good or bad comment.
