14. Literatures in the ESL Classes of Disadvantaged Learners
Published at : October 08, 2021
This is the tenth lecture in the Online lecture series on Language, Literature and Cultural Studies organized by the English Language Teachers’ Interaction Forum delivered on March 13, 2021 by Mrs. Prema Rangachary, Director, Vidya Vanam, Coimbatore, India
Mrs.Prema Rangachary on the lecture:
As a counter movement to the centuries-old, literature-based teaching of English, the last decades of the twentieth century witnessed a language-based pedagogy which focused exclusively on communication. But we tend to forget that the essence of a language lies in its literature. The nuances, which spontaneously get fused into communication, cannot be understood without the appreciation of literature. This lecture would like to remind ESL teachers of the fact that beyond training for daily communication and for job interviews, students must be encouraged to appreciate the language's subtlety and its manifestation in different spheres. An attempt will be made in the lecture to demonstrate how literatures—native, folk and foreign—can generate motivation in second language classes, especially in rural and backward situations.
Mrs.Prema Rangachary on the lecture:
As a counter movement to the centuries-old, literature-based teaching of English, the last decades of the twentieth century witnessed a language-based pedagogy which focused exclusively on communication. But we tend to forget that the essence of a language lies in its literature. The nuances, which spontaneously get fused into communication, cannot be understood without the appreciation of literature. This lecture would like to remind ESL teachers of the fact that beyond training for daily communication and for job interviews, students must be encouraged to appreciate the language's subtlety and its manifestation in different spheres. An attempt will be made in the lecture to demonstrate how literatures—native, folk and foreign—can generate motivation in second language classes, especially in rural and backward situations.
