When The Players Realize How DENDRO ARCHON Might Looks Like...
Published at : September 13, 2021
Sauce Image 1: https://gbf.wiki/Rose_Queen
Sauce Image 2: https://gbf.wiki/Clarisse_(Light)#Base_Art
Sauce Image 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/osbfwx/the_god_of_wisdom_dendro_archon/
Yae Miko already mentioned that Dendro Archon Lesser Lord Kusanali is a female character, and she is the youngest archon of the 7, with the clue mentioned, she is probably looking something like in the video, The flower archon, with tree trunk same as dendro magic. miHoYo did change the gender to female, before it was a male. F2P Players with a Freemogems and Free Primogems like me will be run out so fast, because there is so many characters released.
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#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神 #ГеншинИмпакт #UndiscoveryCh #DendroArchon
Sauce Image 2: https://gbf.wiki/Clarisse_(Light)#Base_Art
Sauce Image 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/osbfwx/the_god_of_wisdom_dendro_archon/
Yae Miko already mentioned that Dendro Archon Lesser Lord Kusanali is a female character, and she is the youngest archon of the 7, with the clue mentioned, she is probably looking something like in the video, The flower archon, with tree trunk same as dendro magic. miHoYo did change the gender to female, before it was a male. F2P Players with a Freemogems and Free Primogems like me will be run out so fast, because there is so many characters released.
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➝ Genshin Impact OST Beach Side Ballad
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#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神 #ГеншинИмпакт #UndiscoveryCh #DendroArchon

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