Protect Excel sheet but allow insert/ delete of rows and/ or columns
Published at : September 24, 2021
00:00 Protect cells and ALLOW inserting/ deleting rows/ columns (NOT RECOMMENDED)
00:08 Insert rows disabled
00:26 Set up sheet to allow insertion and deletion of rows and/ or columns
How to protect an Excel sheet in such a way that formulas cannot be changed but you still allow the user to insert of delete rows and/ or columns. Generally inserting and deleting are the main cause of problems so this is not recommended unless you are sure about it.
00:08 Insert rows disabled
00:26 Set up sheet to allow insertion and deletion of rows and/ or columns
How to protect an Excel sheet in such a way that formulas cannot be changed but you still allow the user to insert of delete rows and/ or columns. Generally inserting and deleting are the main cause of problems so this is not recommended unless you are sure about it.

cannot insert row in excelcant insert column in excelexcel insert row disabled