Ishqpura ( Lyrics) - Babbu Maan & Respected Mohammad Sadiq Saab | New Punjabi Song | Sounds of 70's

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Published at : September 26, 2021

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#Ishqpura #babbumaan #mohammadsadiq #Soundsof70's

Hi friends this is my new video.
This video is about lyrics for a beautiful famous song called " Ishqpura (Version 2) " by Babbu Maan & Respected Mohammad Sadiq Saab

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#punjabifolk #babbumaan @Babbu Maan #punjabibestsinger #babbumaanfans #babbumaanfansclub @LoveMusicfy ​ Ishqpura ( Lyrics) - Babbu Maan & Respected Mohammad Sadiq Saab | New Punjabi Song | Sounds of 70's
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