Debt Collectors get money in Singapore "legally" that Police fails
Published at : September 24, 2021
Continue from https://youtu.be/4grqNFlyFFw
The debt collectors' video was fronted by a man, whose moniker is Justice Boy, who initially did not reveal who they were visiting.
At around the 7-minute 40-second mark of the live video, the debt collectors showed up at Lim Tean's office.
Lim greeted the debt collectors at the door.
He said in a booming voice: "Very good afternoon to you."
The conversation promptly turned sour when he was told to pay the money owed on the spot and there is a court order against him.
Lim appeared to have been caught by off-guard by the team's visit in live streaming video.
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The debt collectors' video was fronted by a man, whose moniker is Justice Boy, who initially did not reveal who they were visiting.
At around the 7-minute 40-second mark of the live video, the debt collectors showed up at Lim Tean's office.
Lim greeted the debt collectors at the door.
He said in a booming voice: "Very good afternoon to you."
The conversation promptly turned sour when he was told to pay the money owed on the spot and there is a court order against him.
Lim appeared to have been caught by off-guard by the team's visit in live streaming video.
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Singappore debtsingapore debt collectorsingapore debt collection service